The Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education conducts the Winter examination for all the polytechnic courses, in the month of Nov/Dec-2016
MSBTE diploma hall ticket 2016 for the regular exam, you need to visit our website frequently. Here is the winter exam date for all the polytechnic students.
The links to download your diploma hall ticket for the winter exam. Otherwise, you can also enter into site and login to download or take a print to get the seat no.
Important Dates:
Practical examination: November 3rd to 12th
Theory examination: November 16th to Dec 6th
MSBTE diploma hall ticket 2016 for the regular exam, you need to visit our website frequently. Here is the winter exam date for all the polytechnic students.
The links to download your diploma hall ticket for the winter exam. Otherwise, you can also enter into site and login to download or take a print to get the seat no.
Important Dates:
Practical examination: November 3rd to 12th
Theory examination: November 16th to Dec 6th