State Board of Technical education and Training Telangana (TSBTET) has published a Notification For -Academics- Internal Assessment Scheme and Structure of End Examination Question paper for 1st year C-16 Curriculum - Information–Reg.
Detailed Structure of End Examination Question paper for 1st year C-16 Curriculum below.....
Govt./Aided/Private/Engineering colleges offering Diploma in 2nd shift Polytechnics are here by informed that the Internal Assessment Scheme and Structure of End Examination question paper of 1st year C-16 Curriculum enclosed Annexure.
Detailed Structure of End Examination Question paper for 1st year C-16 Curriculum below.....
(C-16 1st Year):
- Theory Subjects: Theory Subjects carry 20 % sessional marks, Internal examinations will be conducted for awarding sessional marks on the dates specified. Three unit tests will be conducted for I year students and two Unit Tests for semesters. Average of marks obtained in all the prescribed tests will be considered for awarding the 10% sessional marks. For remaining 10% sessional marks, 5% for assignment and 5% for group discussion & seminar.
- Practicals: Student’s performance in Laboratories / Workshop shall be assessed during the year of study for 40% marks in each practical subject. Allotment of internal marks of 20% should be discrete taking into consideration of the students skills, accuracy, recording and 20% of internal marks for performance of the task assigned to him / her lab practicals assessment test is on par with Unit test. Each student has to write a record / log book for assessment purpose. In the subject of Drawing, which is also considered as a practical paper, the same rules hold good. Drawing exercises are to be filed in seriatum.
- Internal assessment in Labs / workshops / Survey field etc., during the course of study shall be done and sessional marks shall be awarded by the concerned Lecturer / Senior Lecturer / Workshop superintendent with the concurrence concerned HOS as the case may be.
- For practical examinations, except in drawing, there shall be two examiners. External examiner shall be appointed by the Principal in consultation with respective head of the department preferably choosing a person from an Industry. Internal examiner shall be the person concerned with internal assessment as in (c) above. The end examination shall be held along with all theory papers in respect of drawing.
- Question Paper for Practicals: Question paper should cover all the experiments / exercise prescribed.
- Records pertaining to internal assessment marks of both theory and practical subjects are to be maintained for official inspection.
- Evaluation and assessment of industrial training, shall be done and marks be awarded in the following manner.
Industrial assessment : 200 marks
(in two spells of 100 marks each)
Maintenance of log book : 30 marks
Record Work : 30 marks
Seminar / viva-voce : 40 marks _________
TOTAL 300 marks
The assessment at
the institute level will be done by a minimum of three members Internal
Faculty, Industrial Experts and H.O.D. and be averaged.
The question paper for theory examination is patterned in such a
manner that the Weightage of periods/marks allotted for each of the topics for
a particular subject be considered.
Examination paper is of
3/6/9 hour’s duration.
- Each theory paper consists of Section ‘A’ and Section ‘B’. Section ‘A’ contains 20 short answer questions out of which 15 questions are to be answered and each question carries 2 marks Max. Marks: 15 x 2 = 30.
Section B contains 8
essay type questions including
questions, out of
which 5 questions are to be answered each carrying 10 marks are to beanswered.
Max.Marks: 5 x 10 =
50. Total Maximum Marks: 80.
- For Engineering Drawing Subject (107) consist of section ‘A’ and section ‘B’. Section ‘A’ contains four (4) questions. All questions in section ‘A’ are to be answered and each question carries 5 marks. Max. Marks: 4 x 5=20. Section ‘B’ contains six (6) questions. Out of which four (4) questions are to be answered and each question carries 10 Marks. Max. Marks 4 x 10 = 40.
- Practical Examinations- For Workshop practice and Laboratory Examinations,
Each student has to
pick up a question paper distributed by Lottery System.
Max. Marks for an
experiment / exercise : 50%
Marks for VIVA-VOCE : 10%
Total : 60%
case of practical examinations with 50 marks, the marks will be worked out
basing on the above ratio.