MSBTE Examination 2017 Summer (Pre-examination circular for summer 2017)

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (MSBTE) All polytechnics and institutes affiliated to MSBTE are hereby informed through this pre examination circular regarding the activities to be carried out at various stages for the conduct of the Summer 2017 Examination and Detailed Notification Published Will Be Soon ....
MSBTE Summer Examination 2017: MSBTE Are Going To Be Conducted a Diploma  Regular / Supplementary Examinations MSBTE Examination 2017 Summer. The Students who are waiting for Diploma Examinations Notification Regular and Supply Examination Fee Notification Summer 2017 We have provided all useful information and also you will able to download MSBTE Diploma Examination Notification Exam routine for examinations which are scheduled next.

Below we have provided full information and news related to MSBTE Diploma Examinations Notification routine and we have also provide a copy of official Notification will be Soon MSBTE Diploma Examinations Notification, which is released by the MSBTE. So candidates looking for this information and Examination routine may now get more info and can download this exam schedule as well. The links provided below will be working as soon as these Diploma Examinations Notification, March/April 2017 are released by the MSBTE.

Below we have provide Detailed Examinations Notification 2017 Once It Is Released. MSBTE Diploma Notification for the examinations which are scheduled by MSBTET. Below we have tabulated the links which will be functioning as soon as this routine is available. So scroll down and check whether this Examination Notification is released or not..

Principal and heads of institutes of all polytechnics and institutes affiliated to MSBTE are hereby informed through this pre examination circular regarding the activities to be carried out at various stages for the conduct of the Summer 2017examination.
The activities are classified as:
• Pre examination activities (Prior to the commencement of Summer 2017examination).
• Examination activities (During the conduct of Summer 2017examination).
• Post examination activities (After the completion of and prior to the declaration of the result of Summer 2017examination).

MSBTE Pre examination activities 
Hall Ticket and Seating Chart: The hall ticket and seating chart of the students appearing for summer 2017examination is made available online in the Institute login. The institute shall ensure that all students who have filled examination forms and confirmed by respective RBTE, have received hall tickets online. Result corrections might have been incorporated after the seating chart data is taken for processing. Apply corrections to the seating chart according to the correct status of the students, where ever it is needed. Offer necessary remarks and send documentary proofs needed for the corrections at MSBTE level. Last date for confirmation of corrected seating chart by RBTE is 19/04/2017. Last date for submission main seating chart by RBTE at MSBTE is 21/04/2017.

• Hall ticket: From winter 2016 examination theory paper codes of current schemes (or its equivalent paper code of old scheme) are printed on Hall tickets. Candidates are expected to check correct question paper code as per hall ticket before start writing the answers and supervisors must check question paper code issued to the candidate as per hall ticket in examination hall.

• Changes in E-marksheet module for Theory/ Non theory: From summer-2017 exam PR/OR/SW and TH e-mark sheets evaluated/filled by examiner are linked with Adhar number of respective examiner for detail remuneration report. Correct Adhar number is mandatory while creating examiner in e-marksheet module. After entering Adhar number data will be fetched from data submitted by Institute during academic monitoring if it is available. In case non availability of Adhar number in database, then fresh correct entries (Adhar Number, Mobile number, Name of examiner, Designation, Qualification, Experience, Email Id) arc required to be submitted. Data received from academic monitoring for correct Adhar number may be changed in the editable fields only to ensure the accuracy of the data. Hence it is mandatory for all examiners to keep Adhar number ready with them as & when required. It is suggested to store Adhar number in faculties mobile.

Provision for adding details of external examiner in case not available in database, is given on the link "add external examiner details" in HOD login. All HOD's are advised to verify the availability of external examiner details, before filling the e-marksheet for which external examiner is appointed.

• Detention Module: The online detention module will be made available from 24th Mar 2017 in the institute login under non-theory link of online activities at home page. Thee-mark sheets of practical exam will be made available to the respective department only after confirmation of detention module by HOD. Detention code once entered and confirmed cannot be changed.

• Question Paper Inventory: The day wise, session wise question paper inventory is made available to each Distribution center (DC) and Examination center (EC) login. Chief Officer in charge and officer in charge examination should ensure that the question paper inventory is correct for the conduct of sumrper 2017 at the examination center.

• All Principals are informed to update mobile numbers of all concerned officers such as Principal, Head of department, Officer In charge Examination, DC In charge, RAC officer in charge in SMS module available in Institute login for emergency SMS services.

• Display the "Instructions to examinees"(copy of the instructions is enclosed along with this . circular) on all prominent notice boards of the institute a11d also at prominent places in the examination center and also conduct awareness among the examinees through counseling sessions.

• Conduct awareness program to all the personnel involved in summer 2017examination to brief them about the procedure for conduct of MSBTE examination and appraise them about their responsibilities.

• Take all measures to maintain conducive environment for the free and fair conduct of summer 2017 examination. the availability of external examiner details, before filling the e-marksheet for which external examiner is appointed.

• Detention Module: The online detention module will be made available from 24th Mar 2017 in the institute login under non-theory link of online activities at home page. Thee-mark sheets of practical exam will be made available to the respective department only after confirmation of detention module by HOD. Detention code once entered and confirmed cannot be changed.

• Question Paper Inventory: The day wise, session wise question paper inventory is made available to each Distribution center (DC) and Examination center (EC) login. Chief Officer in charge and officer in charge examination should ensure that the question paper inventory is correct for the conduct of sumrper 2017 at the examination center.

• All Principals are informed to update mobile numbers of all concerned officers such as Principal, Head of department, Officer In charge Examination, DC In charge, RAC officer in charge in SMS module available in Institute login for emergency SMS services.

• Display the "Instructions to examinees"(copy of the instructions is enclosed along with this . circular) on all prominent notice boards of the institute and also at prominent places in the examination center and also conduct awareness among the examinees through counseling sessions.

• Conduct awareness program to all the personnel involved in summer 2017 examination to brief them about the procedure for conduct of MSBTE examination and appraise them about their responsibilities.

• Take all measures to maintain conducive environment for the free and fair conduct of summer 2017 examination.

Examination activities. Filling non theory e-mark sheets:
• The non-theory e-mark sheets are made available in the institute login. Passwords of the same will be sent on Principals official mail ID allocated by MSBTE three days before start of practical examination.

• From online activities non-theory link, Principal must login with default username and password sent on institute Principal mail id.

• After successful login Principal should register his name and valid mobile number.

• In case of emergency change in principal mobile number contact to MSBTE result section.

• Change the default password with inclusion of constraints such as
(i) length should be 8 to 15 characters
(ii) one character must be capital alphabet, one numeric and one special characters.

• For next subsequent login, Principal need to provide OTP sent on Principals registered mobile. If OTP is not received within 30 seconds, Principal will receive automatic voice call for OTP.

• Prior to HOD login process, Principal must enter all Names and valid mobile numbers of Head of the Department. For this click on link "update HOD mobile number". Further HOD process is similar to Principal login process.

• HOD require to create examiners with correct Adhar number and mobile number. In case Principal I HOD working as an examiner create them separately with Adhar number and other details. All mobile numbers entered must be correct, valid and in use.

• Conduct Practical I Oral I TW I examinations as per the institute time table from 28/03/2017 to 0710412017 through RBTE appointed external examiners and institute appointed internal examiners. All required password will be sent on only. Last date for confirmation of all types of non-theory e-mark sheet is 10/04/2017. 

• Important: 

• Before filling the 11on-the01y e-mark sheet the Internal I External examiner should verijj1 the marks entered in the respective proforma check the seat number of absent I Detained candidate & marks converted as per scheme. Examiners should sign the proforma before.filling e-mark sheet. 

• Before filling the sessional mark sheet it is responsibili(11 of HOD to verijj1 the D6 proforma from test register, the marks converted am/ entered against seat numbers of candidates are correct and D6 proforma is verified and signed by the candidate. Before confirmation of sessional mark sheet take the Check print and verify the marks. On printout of confirmed sessional e-mark sheet take signature of candidates and put Xerox copy on departmental notice board and seal the original in the envelope. 

• Before confirmation of e-mark sheet examiner may take Check Print of actual mark sheet. Ensure that the SW, TW, OR, PR marks of each student are accurately transferred toe-mark sheet online from respective D4, DS, D6, PH3, PH4, PH5 proforma I register. Verify each mark entered onemark sheet against seat number of candidate. Ensure entry of relevant special codes such as ( 401,402,403,404,406,407). Confirm the e-marksheet only after checking marks from check print. Once the e-marks sheet is confirmed examiner cannot edit the marks. 

• In unavoidable circumstances if examiner needs to change confirmed marks of one or more students, send the request through HOD login message box with the subject choose from drop box as "Cancellation of e-mark sheet". After completing the formality of online request examiner personally need to come at MSBTE result section along with all necessary documents as proof on his own expenses to correct the marks before the start of theory examination. At MSBTE after verification only the marks will be corrected. After start of theory examination in any case marks of non-theory subjects will not be allowed to change. 

• Ensure that all eligible examinees of the institute are examined and all the non- theory emarksheets allocated for the Institute are duly filled by examiner. 

• In case there is need for creation of e-mark sheets to accommodate eligible students with valid hall ticket, then create e-manual mark sheet from the facility available on the mark sheet link. 

• Computerized e-mark sheets of non-theory subject heads like TW /PR/OR/SW for students, who have filled examination forms under special provision will be made available in institute login next working day after all examination forms confirmed by respective RBTE. Computer fundamentals practical: 

• CMF on-line practical exam should be conducted between 29th to 31st March 2017 only. Link will be closed from 1st April 2017. Ensure required software is installed and ready to conduct examination at least one day before the above schedule. 

• You are informed to verify the list of absent candidates at the conclusion of practical examination. Internal and external examiner must sign on hard copy report before surrendering examination 

• Exam Center will not be able to apply CMF Online Examination Software update, if the last CMF Online Examination Software conducted by that Exam Center is not surrendered by them. So please take care and surrender the Exam Event before you apply Summer 2017Exam Software Update. 

• It is also observed that, during conduct of exam, many Exam Center do not provide necessary "Alternate Backup Path", which is required in case of emergency and data loss. 

• In case Exam Center has done Center Activation in the past and for summer 2017, if they try to activate the center again, they will not be allowed to do so. In this case they will have to provide undertaking to MSBTE's saying that they have only one exam server active and no other server exists with them. Only after receipt of MSBTE's approvaL center will be allowed to activate again. 

Conduction of theory examinations 
Conduct theory examinations in a free and fair manner by following all the guidelines given in the ''Manual for Conduct of Examination". 

 • Ensure that the cases of malpractice reported by block invigilators, internal vigilance squad, controllers of examination, external vigilance squad and any special squad are properly booked by attaching all documentary proofs and statements of all concerned. Issue show cause notice to the involved students. In case the involved student does not cooperate by not receiving the show cause notice see that the same is sent to his residential address by registered post. 

• In case the student booked under malpractice does not agree to give statement at the examination center, the block invigilator and officer in charge examination shall clearly mention the same in their statement. 

• It has come to the notice of MSBTE that some examination centers deliberately commit mistakes in booking of malpractice cases by not issuing show cause notice, not attaching proof of malpractice, by not enclosing necessary statements etc. All concerned shall take note that, in case a complaint is received from controller of examination about noncooperation of examination center in booking malpractice case or about improper booking of malpractice case, legal proceedings will be initiated against the said examination center. 

• All the examinees attending examination are strictly forbidden from possessing any electronic communication device in the examination hall. Barring controller of examination, officer in charge and chief officer in charge of examination, rest of the officials and employees involved in the examination work shall keep their mobile phones switched off during the examination. 

The Following End Examination Notification are issued by MSBTE (Links Updated)

Check Full Notification MSBTE Examination 2017
To Get All Notification, Updates & Results Directly On Your Mobile Phone. Don’t Forget To Share This Result Of  Diploma Examination Notification 2017 Among All Your Friends & Colleagues Make Them Check Their MSBTE Examination 2017 Summer . Also Share This Info On Your Social Media Pages.


1. The examine is expected to be present at the examination center I0 minutes before the commencement of examination.
2. No examine shall be admitted to the examination hall after 30 minutes of commencement of the examination.
3. The examine shall have the proper hall ticket and the valid institutional identity card for producing when demanded, without which he/she shall not be eligible to appear for the examination.
4. Examines arc not permitted to leave examination hall in the initial 30 minutes and the last I 0 minutes of the examination duration for the paper.
5. A commencement warming bell will be sounded I0 minutes before the commencement of the examination.
6. Exam commencement bell following the warning bell at examination commencement time announces the commencement of the examination.
7. An exam conclusion warming bell will be sounded l0 minutes before the conclusion of the examination. Examincc shall tic the supplements and enclosures to the main answer book immediately after the warning concluding bell and be ready to hand over it to the invigilator at the ringing of the exam conclusion bell announcing the end of the examination.
8. The examine shall check the answer book issued to him for loose sheets or improper printing and number of pages and if any discrepancy is noticed the same shall be change before commencing to write the answers.
9. The examine shall enter the requisite information of the face sheet of the answer book properly before commencing to write the answers.
10. Start each answer on a fresh page and write question number at the beginning of each answer. Do not write anything in the margin of answer book.
11. Use only blue or black color ink or ball point pen to write answers. If there is change in ink color, it shall be attested by the supervisor/invigilator.
12. Do not leave blank pages between the answers. If a page a left blank inadvertently, write "Please Turn Over (PTO) to avoid the answers written beyond a blank page left being unassessed
13. The examine shall use a separate answer book for each section, where there arc sections in question paper.
14. Examine has to ensure before submitting the answer book to invigilator at end of the examination that the supplements and enclosures if any arc securely tied to the main answer book, the count of enclosures is properly entered in the stipulated boxes on the main answer book, correct scat number is written on the main answer book, supplements and enclosures.
15. If the examine wishes to cancel the performance of the current examination after writing the answers in the answer book, the same can be done by scratching all the written answers an writhing the remark" I have scratched all my answers and wish that the answers in this answer book should not be assessed" at end of the cancelled answers. The supervision of the block has to attest the answer sheet by putting the remark "the scratching of answers and the examines remark are seen by me." Incase this instruction is not adhered to, then the scratched answer shall be assessed at the regional assessment center.
16. The examine shall behave properly before, during, or after the examination to maintain the conducive atmosphere at the examination center.
17. Do not write thing that discloses the identity of examinee, request to examiner or write any objectionable matter anywhere inside the answer book. If any answer requires name or signature. use ''XYZ," ABC,'' PQR," etc.
 18. Do not tear off any page from the answer book. Such an act amounts to malpractice and warrants punishment.
19. Exchange of answer books supplements, calculator and drawing instrument etc. during the examination among the examinees is treated as malpractices.
20. Possession of any arms, weapon, etc. by the examinees in the examination center is strictly prohibited 21. The examinee is prohibited from possession any blank paper, notes, scribbles, chits, books, mobile phone, paper, programmable calculator, electronic communication devices etc. in the examination hall. The violation of this instruction shall be liable for punishment under malpractice. 22. The examinee is prohibited from taking away the answer book/s issued to him/her during the examination. Violation of this instruction amounts to malpractice.
23. If before, during or after the examination, it is found that an examinee is or has been guilty of misbehavior or misconduct including breach of any of the rules laid down for the proper conduct of examination or has been found to have copied or attempted to copy or used means and is reported by invigilator, supervisor, Officer-in-charge, Controller of examinations, examiner, he/she shall be liable for punishment as per the provision of RG 10 of MSBTE examination regulations.
24. In such cases as in instruction 23 the examinee will have to give a statement duly signed by him/her. If he/she refuses to give statement in writing, action will be taken without any reference to him/her.
25. Examinee shall not write anything on the question paper of the examination except for his/her seat number. Take note that such writings amount to malpractice and is liable for punishment. 

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