SCTEVT Notification 2017 Summer Exam for 4th 5th and 6th semesters.

State Council for Technical Education & Vocational Training (SCTEVT) Notification 2017 Summer Exam for 4th 5th and 6th semesters for regular and supplementary examinations 2017 shall be held as per the program given below.

You are request to ensure that no in eligible candidates allowed to fill up the form and appears from the above examinations.

Important Dates For SCTEVT Notification 2017

Closing of attendance for 4th and 6th semester 15-04-2017

Confirmation of filling up forms for 6th and 6th semester 17-04-2017 to 20-04-2017

Generation of demand note 17-04-2017 to 21-04-2017

Online payments of fees 17-04-2017 to 21-04-2017

Downloading of admit cards by institutes 21-04-2017 onwards

Commencement of examination practicals 22-04-2017 to 25-04-2017

Entry of internal and sessional and practicals exams 22-04-2017 to 22-05-2017


SCTEVT Exam Notification 2017 Summer Exam for 4th 5th and 6th semesters

Notice for filling up forms for 5th semester (BP) shell be notified later on

The principles or request to ensure that the internal assessment sectional and practical marks entry in Vidyarthi portal is completed within the notified period beyond which No Extension shall be allowed

 The detailed examination programme date wise and subject wise shall be notified separately. separate notice shall also be given for collection of confidential material from the Council

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